Sinta, Real Estate company

Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide persons who are customers or potential customers with information about how their personal data are processed, its purposes, terms and their rights in respect to the processing and storage of their data.

1. Data controller and contact information

The controller of data is “Sinta” Ltd., registration number 40203359421, with legal address Ieriķu str. 60-116, Riga, LV1084, hereinafter referred to as “the company”. In all cases and issues related to personal data and its processing, the data controller is to be contacted using e-mail address

2. Purposes of personal data processing

The company collects and uses personal data for the following purposes:

  • to identify a person;
  • for communication;
  • to prepare contracts;
  • to provide the services that have been requested;
  • to offer services;
  • to process and to reply to about complaints, requests and applications submitted;
  • to process and settle payments for services provided;
  •  to provide information to state authorities and institutions in accordance with the laws and
  • statistics and research with the aim to increase the level of customer service and to improve
    the services in offer;
  • to provide the company legitimate interests;
  •  to ensure correct and adequate operation of the website.

The company collects only such personal data as are directly necessary for the fulfillment of a particular request or to provide a particular service.

3. Legal basis

The company stores and processes personal data in accordance to legal basis as set by the General Data Protection Regulation and specific legal basis in the country as set by laws and regulations:

  • requirement to prepare a contract with a person and to fulfill the obligations stipulated by
    the contract;
  • consent provided by the person;
  • compliance to the laws and regulations;
  • provision of the legitimate interests of a person, company or a third party, as determined by
    the contract or the applicable legislation.

The person should acknowledge that if a person would not provide its relevant data to the company or would not authorize the company to process its data, it will deprive the company of the possibility to properly identify the person, hence, limiting or even prohibiting the company to provide its services to a person.

4. Third party access

The company does not disclose to third parties the personal data in its possession or information about the services requested by or provided to the person or company, as well as other information about the person or company that has become known to the company during the cooperation.

The exception are data that may be transferred to company partners to fulfill a person’s request or to provide a service, including but not limited to: real estate brokers, accounting service providers, appraisers, lawyers, IT service providers, notaries, marketing service providers, credit institutions.

In accordance to the legislation and regulatory enactments in the country, personal data may be transferred to the State Revenue Service, the State Data Agency, law enforcement authorities and other authorized entities.

In certain cases, personal data may be transferred to our partners outside the EU and EEA, which from the point of view of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the transfer of data to third countries. In such cases, the company will observe and provide all required security measures established by the GDPR in regards to the processing and protection of the transferred data.

5. Duration of data storage

The company stores personal data for the period of validity of the contract or until the consent to data processing is revoked.

Regardless of the above, personal data will be stored for as long as the contracting parties have the opportunity to file a lawsuit in court related to fulfilment of the contract, as well as in accordance with the obligation set by the law and regulatory enactments for the company to store personal data
for a certain period of time.

6. Cookies and their processing

Cookies (also: web cookies, internet cookies, browser cookies) are small data sets that are created by a webserver when a user visits a website, and which the user’s browser stores on the user’s device. Cookies, depending on their purpose, are divided into groups – functional, analytical and
marketing cookies.

Functional cookies are important for the successful operation of the website. They help to establish and maintain a connection between the webserver and the user’s browser, ensuring the correct, secure and adequate operation of the website.

Analytical, or statistical, cookies collect data about the operation of the website and the actions users are taking on it. Normally, these cookies are anonymous and do not provide for user identification.

Marketing cookies help to create a user profile with the purpose of recognizing the user’s activities on the website, as well as to contact the user with the purpose of sending special offers.

The company’s website may contain links to third-party websites, which have their own cookie and privacy policies, respectively. The company has no influence on how third parties process user data and bears no responsibility of it.

7. Person’s rights regarding its data

Every person has the right to request and receive from the company information about their data that have been collected and the actions performed with them, as well as to request data amendments and revoke permissions. A person has the right to:
  • request a copy of all its data collected by the company;
  • supplement or amend its data;
  • request deletion of its data or restriction of processing, however, only to the extent permitted by the laws and regulations, and also recognizing that such a request can not and will not apply backdated.
Requests regarding personal data can be submitted in electronic format. They need to be signed by secure electronic signature and sent to the company’s e-mail address If a person believes that the company has violated laws and regulations regulating collecting, storage or processing of its data, a person has the right to file a complaint with institution monitoring data protection compliance – the Data State Agency (

8. Protection of personal data

The company protects the personal data in its possession by using available modern IT solutions, as well as organizational measures, including, but not limited to: encryption of data during transmission, use of anti-virus software and firewall, data security checks, implementation of the company’s security procedures.

9. Relevance of the privacy policy

This Privacy Policy has been approved and come into effect on February 1, 2023. The Company reserves the right to amend and supplement this policy at any time. The current edition is always available at the company’s website